This little girl is so sweet, affectionate and eager for company that one wonders how anyone could have 'lost' her or worse still, abandoned her. Anyway, now she is with us at our Deonar Centre, when she really should be part of a family, safe and sound in her own home.
We have found that people give up their animal companions for the most ridiculous reason, that too, after making a commitment to look after them for the rest of their very short lives.
Any problem in case of a living creature who depends on you is solvable, just ask us. Before you even think of giving away your innocent companion, think twice or three times. The consequences are horrendous for the animal concerned. At our shelter we see this all too often.; a traumatized and sad creature with a hopeless, anxious look in it's eyes, desperately waiting for it's beloved family to come and take it home again.
This beautiful little dog is up for adoption. She needs love and care, that's all. What you get in return is the pure and simple happiness that comes from looking after an animal that just loves you and depends on you for the short duration of its life.