Have a look at Whisky in the previous post. He was such a great looking pup. On his first day at the Centre, he was as frisky as a new born lamb. After two weeks, he had begun to droop. It's been a month since he came. Yes, he got sick and now we've lost him. I still can't believe that such a beautful animal is lost to us. If somebody had fostered him, he might have had a chance. He's gone and it's our loss.
The lovely little pup in the picture below was subjected to the most horrible cruelty by an unknown sadist. Her brother also was subjected to the same cruel treatment. He responded to treatment and fortunately was soon adopted and is doing well. This little girl was too sad and sick to survive even though all of us at the Centre did our best. One good thing is that we have many volunteers coming to the Centre to help us in whatever way they can and the pups benefit a great deal from the attention they get. So if you can't foster, come help with the feeding of the little ones, or pick up one or two and sit in the garden in the sun- good for them and for you! Help to give them their medication or just wrap up some of the tiniest in a cloth and hold them close until they get warmed up, They have been deprived of their chief and expert care giver, their mom, and they need all the help they can get.