We were all horrified when this poor dog was brought to the Centre at Deonar. She was lying helplessly on her side, eyes completely sunken, breathing her last. We were shocked because we could see she had a very old injury; as you can see in the picture, her right foot as probably lost in a railway accident on the tracks. Worse still, she had small puppies about three weeks old. The only consolation was that some kind person had taken the trouble to inform us and call the ambulance after seeing her plight. If this had not happened, one shudders to think what would have happened to her and her three little ones.
But she reached our Centre and treatment started.
She was in the last stages of starvation. Fortunately she responded to treatment and in a few hours, could sit up and eat some food. We feed her multiple times a day and it is proving to be a difficult haul for her. She is a very tall and slender dog, with a beautiful long face and almond shaped eyes which in a few days, became brown and glowing. Of her three little ones, all in bad condition as she had no milk whatsoever, two passed away after a few days in the puppy pen. They eagerly had their formula, slept close to their mom, played a little - puppies are like that. But we lost them. The third was taken into foster care as he managed to pull through. More snaps of him later in his foster home. He's a real cutie.
We thought his mom would benefit if we arranged for them to meet now and then. You can see in the pics that both of them enjoy the visits! She has improved now and loves to sit or lie in a sunny corner. She finishes all her food with relish. Her poor leg will have to be dealt with if she recovers fully.
All involved are totally concerned about this elegant dog who has suffered so silently. She has not even whimpered, not even during treatment. She has somehow brought out such concerned feeling among all those who surround her, even the wardboys want her to be as comfortable as possible and recover as soon as she can, and this is what we are all working for. She likes to be petted and her eyes say it all. She knows she is safe with us, loved and card for.