Saturday, May 23, 2009

Profile of Sponsor dog Bruno

Bruno is from Khargar. He and his family were being hounded by the building Society where they were located. At that time, Bruno was 2 months old. The watchman of the building went after him, his mother and sister with a lathi. Little Bruno's back leg was broken! His mother Rhea was badly beaten on the head. Only his sister Goldie escaped injury. Ms Prassana Menon who stays in the same Society, came to their rescue. She called the police and got the watchman arrested. Bruno, his mother and sister were brought to IDA Deonar, and have been there ever since.

Bruno is now 2 years old, a huge handsome dog with a very pleasant temperament. His mother Rhea is so sweet, that she will share her bowl of food with any dog that comes along. Sister Goldie is very shy and stays away from all the action, hiding in the back compound. She only emerges for meals and is so swift on her feet, that no one can catch her!

Bruno is one of our popular Sponsor dogs and smiles and greets anyone who comes to the Centre. As you can see from the photo, he likes being hugged!! And don't worry about his broken leg - he came to IDA and it's healed perfectly!


  1. Bruno (like many of the others) is truly special. He's a huge guy but still very babyish! He tries to get the other dogs to play with him when he's in the mood, which is most of the time. When any of his admirers come to the Centre, the big lug jumps up and welcomes them and almost knocks them over!
