Thursday, July 30, 2009

Meet Sami our IDA Foster Pup

Sami's Sayings.............................

"Is that my breakfast I see before me??"

"When my tummy's full, I like to relax with my friend 'Bunny' .
here we are in my cozy den."

"But many times I catch hold of him, and we wrestle!"


  1. Sami is just the cutest puppy ever. Is he still looking for a home?
    We would love to have him live with us in our dog loving family here in Finland.
    Would you help us take him here?
    We have talked about getting an Indian dog for a while now and Sami looks perfect!
    (He also shares the same name with my husband, which is funny, maybe it's a sign!)

    I have checked the regulations in bringing a dog to Finland from outside European Union and he would need a tattoo or a chip implant, then vaccination for rabies after that, then 30 days after that, a test to see if the vaccination works and 3 months after the test has proved the vaccination working, they allow the dog into Finland.
    Complicated, i know. That's why we need some help organizing everything.
    We could come to India after 3 months and stay there with Sami for 1 month before flying back to Finland with him. Would it even be possible for Sami to stay in the foster home for that long?
    Please let us know what are our chances in having him.
    Thank you!
    Salla Mäntymaa

  2. Hi Salla, It's great that you are considering adopting Sami. The process sounds highly complicated. I'll try and find out things from this end and let you know. One thing, Sami is a real cutie-pie just now but maybe he won't look so sweet after so many months of waiting!
    He's in my house at present but I usually keep little ones till they are about 2/3 months old, as I have 4 grown (tolerant) dogs of my own.
    Anyway, I'll find out as much as I can from here.
    Regards, Vivienne

  3. Hello Vivienne!
    I know Sami would be pretty much a grown dog after 3 months of waiting. I wish I could be there with him for the waiting time and see him grow up and build a bond with him from early age.
    But I can't because I have work from october until the end of November. So we would come as soon as my job is finished. We were going to come to India with my husband in the winter anyway. We have travelled to India every year last 3 years. We love India and we love indian dogs!

    I've always had a dog in my life. Last winter our beautiful dog Aku passed away at the age of 11. It was very sad.

    We would of course pay for the expenses in looking after Sami and the veterinary expenses. If you can't keep him in your house for another 3 months, I can ask my friend who lives in India if she could look after Sami for some time before we arrive.

    I have sent an e-mail to find out exactly what needs to be on the tattoo marking etc. I should get the answer tomorrow when the office is open. I will let you know more then. My e-mail is if you want to e-mail me directly.


  4. Hi Vivienne!

    Here is the form that has to be filled correctly before bringing a dog to Finland:

    So the first thing to do would be the recognition marking by a veterinary; clear tattoo or microchip will do.
    And after that the rabies vaccination so it can be verified to have been given to Sami and not another dog. A certificate is needed from the doctor to prove this.

    Then there is 1 month waiting time before the blood test.
    I'm thinking of trying to come visit Sami then and take the blood sample with me back to Finland to an EU approved laboratory.

    Let me know if you're willing to help us in this. We would really appreciate your help. And send our love to Sami.


  5. Hi Salla,
    NIce to hear from you so soon. I enquired about the microchip and found out where it is done in Mumbai. Still not very sure what is required so can you send me a clear list of items in order?
    I'll be writing in more detail to you via your email address. Meanwhile look out for the latest photo of Sami playing with his little friend, the foster kitten I also have at home.
    Regards, Vivienne

  6. Hi Vivienne!

    Thank you for finding out about the micro chip already!

    Here's the complete list of things to do before Sami can fly to Finland

    1. MICROCHIP (or TATTOO for recognition): the number of chip and date when inserted, and in what part of dog, must be written down.

    2. RABIES VACCINATION: can be given as soon as he has the micro chip or tattoo so the veterinary can mark it down to Sami's file with the microchip or tattoo number. Also name, manufacturer and batch number of vaccine and date when given and valid until date must be written down.

    3. BLOOD SAMPLE: can be taken minimum of 30 days after vaccination. Then must be taken to EU approved laboratory to be tested in. There is non in India.

    So this is when I was thinking of popping to Mumbai for a few days to meet Sami Then I could take him to the veterinary on the last day and bring back the blood sample with me back to a lab in Finland. Otherwise I'll arrange a courier to take the sample.

    Then if the test shows the vaccination is working, it's just waiting for the next 3 months.

    4. MEDICATION FOR ECHINOCCUS: he needs to be given it by a veterinary just a few days before the flight. We would take him to the vet as we would be in India then.

    We especially need your help with the first 2. Then I'm hoping to come visit and take care of the blood test. Then come again with my husband in 2 months time and spend the remaining month with Sami in India (maybe Hampi) before taking him to Finland.


  7. Hi Salla, I had sent an email to your e add. Don't know if you received it. I visited the vet and she checked Sami and pronounced him very healthy. She advised me to only give him a good pet food and I've started him on this. I'll be taking him for the microchip sometime next week, making an appointment.
    Meanwhile, Sami continues to be a cutey. His ears are slowly coming up and he is wearing a collar now.
    Give you more news after I get the appointment for the mchip.
    Regards, Vivienne
