On Sunday 19th Feb, we welcomed a lovely group of people at our Deonar Centre, all ready and willing to learn how to effectively improve their on-going efforts in animal welfare.
We had prepared lots of good material which we distributed to each participant, for instance, they got printed names and dosages for allopathic as well as homeopathic medicine which could be used for simple ailments when treating a local stray dog on the road itself. Dr. Nitin, our Head Vet demonstrated how to look for signs of ill health and so on. We thought and discussed of ways and means to improve the foster care and adoption programmes and why it was so important to see that every stray in Mumbai was finally sterilized and also vaccinated once every year.
To this end, we launched our new Mini-Census Project which depends largely on location of the volunteer and his/her interest in conducting this survey. Details of all local dogs of all ages will be entered in a small Register which was given to each participant. The survey radius will be around the locality within easy walking distance. With this we hope to keep tabs on all our community dogs and find out quickly who needs help or has to be spayed. Recently, we have had such sad cases come in due to simple neglect, that this inspired us to try and getting caring people involved in keeping a watch out for any animal in need. Hope it works out well.
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