Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Mothers at the Deonar Centre

It's always sad when a mother is brought in with her pups. They are banished from some Society premises or a public place because the mother is declared aggressive. People forget that she is merely protecting her little ones and she needs all the help and understanding she can get from the public. This same public has not a single member who remembered to get this dog operated in the first place so that she would not have had puppies at all. We feel sad when they come in because we know what is slowly going to happen. One by one, the little ones will pass away. The mother will have to stay put for two months as she can only be operated after the pups are weaned and then she is supposed to go back to her old location and adjust to life on the street, among hostile people and dogs who have not seen her around for 2 months. It's a tough situation all around and it is totally unnecessary. The brown dog in the picture had three spectacular pups who we desperately tried to get fostered or adopted, the only way to "save" them. It was too late for 2 of them but little Fudge made it. May he live a long and happy life. The black dog has arrived along with 6 pups in tow. That's why she looks so thin inspite of getting double meals. The little gold pom had 7 pups and was brought in the month of June. She has lost all except the alpha male, who has been adopted. She herself is so delicate and charming that we are trying our best to get her a good home. She will not last long if she is put on the street again. This is the sad plight of canine mothers in Mumbai. We should all do our best to see that these type of dogs are sterilised before any more puppies arrive into the dangerous environment of this city.

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