Saturday, May 19, 2012

Blind Dogs at IDA Deonar Centre

We have quite a large number of blind and handicapped dogs, rescued and brought to our ABC Centre. All of them are kept in a large pleasant enclosure, open on all four sides. Of course, we have to close it in during the monsoon, but otherwise it is quite airy and comfortable for them. They wander from one end of the enclosure to the other, sit, stand or lie on the benches and use their sensitive noses to good effect when friends or food arrives. Who knows why so many blind dogs are found in Mumbai? A few of them are old so in their case it is understandable. Maybe it is the terrible heat, the fierce sun or the polluted atmosphere that acts in combination to allow them to go blind. The three in the pictures are quite young and strong. The brown chap relaxing on the ground is an escape artiste and had to be confined in another enclosure with bars till the roof. He used to clamber over the sides of the blind enclosure quite often, so he had to be put somewhere else. As soon as one goes near, the tails start wagging. They like their friends to visit. We've started a cooling, neem sponge treatment for skin problems and all of them love to be sponged in this hot weather. They stand very still and enjoy the 'treatment'. It's good to have them in our care where they can live out their lives in peace and safety.

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